Banana Digestive smoothie

When it comes to smoothies, bananas are just the perfect fruit. Once blended, they add that sweet and creamy and velvety texture that combines well with almost every other fruit. They’re wonderful also alone, or blended together with yoghurt (ever since I tried flavouring my own yoghurt with a banana, I swore I’d never buy a banana yoghurt again, but always go for natural yoghurt with one actual banana blended inside).

I have rediscovered the potential of bananas lately, doing the military diet, which calls for two bananas during the three-day dieting regime. I have been enjoying bananas also on days off, and my favourite banana-based snack on days off was a smoothie.

A type of biscuit that is always there in my kitchen cupboard is Digestive. When I run out of any inspiration (or foods) for my breakfasts, Digestive biscuits and a cup of coffee with milk are always a plan B. Digestive biscuits happen to pair very well also with bananas, so if I had to name what is my favorite smoothie lately, I’d say “banana Digestive”. It’s a healthy and filling smoothie, perfect to satisfy a mid-afternoon food craving. No sugar added.

An easy smoothie that requires only three ingredients: a banana, some milk, and 2 Digestive biscuits.

Banana Digestive smoothie:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2-3 Digestive biscuits
  • 100 ml milk

Crush 2 biscuits in a container and add the banana, cut in pieces. Add the milk. Blend until smooth. The third biscuit is optional: for a more biscuity taste, it can be crushed and poured over the smoothie, so that it will also give a nice decorative touch. In my opinion, though, 2 is best: there are enough Digestive biscuits to feel their taste and the banana is still prominent. Using 3 biscuits, the banana is overshadowed by the flavour of the biscuits. I prefer to keep the two flavours balanced and get to taste the banana.

An easy smoothie that requires only three ingredients: a banana, some milk, and 2 Digestive biscuits.An easy smoothie that requires only three ingredients: a banana, some milk, and 2 Digestive biscuits.An easy smoothie that requires only three ingredients: a banana, some milk, and 2 Digestive biscuits.

One can add even more biscuits, for a very biscuity flavour; in this case, the banana mostly serves as base. If adding more biscuits, adjust also the quantity of the milk so that the smoothie will still be quite liquid and easy to drink through a straw. Digestive biscuits are very nutritious, so the more are added, the higher the calorie count of this snack will be. Which, on days off diet, is not necessarily a bad thing.

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  1. Dakota July 8, 2018 at 11:29

    I have made this smoothie,the taste is really good but I recommend putting ice in or it will get really warm.Mine was warm and because I don’t like warm smoothies it made me feel sick. So,if you don’t like warm drinks like me,try putting ice in.

    1. Eva July 11, 2018 at 17:58

      I can understand your point, if making this in a warm climate a little ice can definitely make this better. Great tip!

  2. Richard Stokes June 12, 2019 at 22:48

    I have just made a hot drink from digestives and hot milk (microwaved) with a touch of malt syrup. I suffer from dysphagia post radiotherapy scarring on my esophagus. It’s brilliant. Will try your banana digestive smoothie idea.


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    1. Eva June 17, 2019 at 22:07

      Hello Richard! I will have to try your variation, and I hope you like my take at digestive and banana smoothie. Sorry you are experiencing this issue, this is not an isolated case and I don’t get what’s wrong with my comment section. If you happen to visit again, a good tip is to use the tab key. Sorry about that!


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